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Key points to consider when choosing your migration agent in Australia

Registered Migration Agent provides an essential service in assisting migrants to navigate Australia’s visa system. They can help reunite families, assist people seeking asylum, and facilitate the migration of those people with the qualities and skills Australia need to shape Australian community, grow Australian business and support Australian jobs.

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Common mistakes that could cost your visa

Nothing will make you happier than getting a visa to the country you want! A visa rejection/cancelation, on the other hand, will be heart breaking. A visa rejection/cancelation have serious negative consequences and difficulties in getting another visa in the future.

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NSW state migration program updates November 2020

The NSW Government's limited number of interim nomination places for the 2020-21 financial year have been exhausted. Regional Development Australia (RDA) offices will shortly commence assisting NSW Treasury managing applications for NSW nominations for the subclass 491 visa once the additional allocation has been confirmed.

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